6 Things I Will Never Do Again After Flying A Drone

Episode 1

I think I speak for most guys that there’s a special place in our hearts for remote controlled toys. When I was a kid, having a remote controlled Ferrari sports car was like on the top of my wish list for gifts. I mean, it’s a freaking Ferrari and you can control it as though it was a real car (albeit mini-sized) WITHOUT a even driving license. Like how cool is that?!

Driving license optional. Source: giphy.com

Now that I’m a bigger boy, technology has advanced so much that I can even have my very own remote flying machine! And I don’t even need a pilot’s license! Like isn’t it a good time to be alive? Of course, I’m talking about the rise of the drones (yes, punny).
With that I bought myself a DJI Mavic Air and found my life changed more than I expected owning one. Do follow me for my upcoming review of the drone, but for now here are the six things I would never do again after getting my Mavic Air:

#1. I will never say China products are inferior again

DJI, the largest drone manufacturer in the world, is 100% Chinese. DJI stands for Dà-Jiāng Innovations which translated means Big Saucy Innovations (ok, ok I kid. there’s no meaning in the name). And the DJI Mavic Air I own is to me the pinnacle of consumer technology.

Nothing can be cooler than a transforming drone. I can look at this over, and over, and over again. Source: DJI.

In fact it’s a culmination of a few technologies in one, including flight, imaging, gimbal, wireless and software. It’s not only technologically advanced, it’s a beautifully designed product with great user experience. And their drones are not just some copy of another company’s product. Once you own a DJI you’ll be amazed at what the Chinese has achieved.

Erm… yes. China wins. Source: giphy.com

# 2. I will never see my world the same again

You might have walked the same street every single day for 20 years, but the moment you change your view even just 50 meters above the ground, your home and everything you know and are familiar with will look utterly new and fresh. There is really nothing like viewing your world from the air and discovering things you never knew existed beside you all these time.

From this

To this

The reality of enabling any man can now truly view the world from the sky must be one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. You may now think, but we’ve had Google Maps and Google Earth for awhile now, kind of the same thing innit? Trust me, it’s different when you are in the driver’s seat.

#3. I will never get over the nagging feeling i might lose a thousand dollars to nature

When I first started, I was so excited. But at the same time so fearful of crashing and losing my new thousand dollar gadget! I mean YouTube is full of horror stories of people crashing their drones. It has thought me that I really needed to know my drone, always prepare for flights and respect the tech.

I respect you, you don't crash on me ok? Source: giphy.com

So many things can go wrong, especially for new pilots. Magnetic interference, loss of GPS signal, loss of wireless signal, low battery, flying to close to buildings, flying too far from line of sight, sudden change of weather and even Angry Birds. The good news is the DJI drones are packed with intelligence to help us overcome most issues and provide plenty of sensors and warnings, but it doesn’t stop stupidity.
So even after hours of flight experience, every time I take off, I have a mental checklist of everything I need to do as my heart beats a little faster and I pray I don’t do anything wrong to lose my precious drone.

#4. I will never see parks the same way again

I’ve never been much of an outdoors guy and would never go to a park just for fun. Why get all hot and sweaty when I can have a sofa and watch Netflix?
But ever since I owned a drone, I’m always looking out for open spaces where I can go fly my drone and parks are one of the best places to do so. Now I’m always on a lookout for parks and discovered many new (ok they have always been there, just new to me) parks in town!

Me hearing the word PARK! Source: giphy.com

This has another positive side effect on me, since I now also bring my family out more for park walks and have something to look forward to instead of just tagging along coz my kids wanna go to the playground.

Me looking happy in a park while it’s scorching hot at 2pm and taking a dronie with my nephew.

#5. I will never take weather for granted again

Oh the weather is either the your drone’s best friend or worst enemy. A nice blue and sunny sky would look perfect in your photos and videos. But strong wind and rain will definitely ruin your flight plans! I can’t tell you how many times I was all geared up to fly but got disappointed when the sky started to turn dark.

Would have been a glorious day for flying if not for the rain! Video taken with iPhone 8 Plus on slow-mo, not too bad I must say

And you’ll have finally a reason to open your weather app.

#6. I will never travel the same again

I bring my drone everywhere I go now. I even bring it to work and would try to fly it after work to catch the evening sunset somewhere on the way back from work. And vacation photos will be more awesome than ever before.

My Peak Design Everyday Messenger Bag easily fits my drone and camera. Just perfect!

Bonus #7: The Sound of A Hundred Buzzing Bees will Never Sound the Same Again.

Ah there is truly nothing like the sound of the rotors of your drone starting up. So loud, so strong and so exciting. Unless it’s an actual swarm of a hundred buzzing bees that is.

If it buzzes that loud and it isn't a drone... source: giphy.com

Truly owning a drone changed my life, and I wonder has changed anyone else here on Steemit? :)

Would love to hear your comments and if you like my article remember to upvote and resteem. Do follow me as I’ve a bunch of super cool photography and drone related articles planned exclusive for Steemit. And if you have reached this point, I must have done something right! Thanks for reading!

Oh yes, and do check out my previous post here about 6 Reasons to Love a Fisheye Lens!

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