NYC is a city that never sleeps , you can walk outside at any time and see a crowd of people walking , having fun , and what not . But how is it really living here ? Well it has its ups and downs . Well it only cost over $2200 for a 3 bedroom that probably does not include any utility . The cost of MTA seems to raise every year and you pay $2.75 for each ride as well as be on the train or bus literally body to body , that's $3 almost to be stuck to someone for over an hour just to get to where you want to . Sometimes there's so many people that you literally miss trains and what's the worst is that there is always delays , they get you stuck in the middle of two stops where you can't even get out . This is nothing , this is just a normal day, then when you get out of the MTA , a crowd of people will push you to have their way. No one really cares about anyone. You wait hours to eat anywhere you go , jobs are harder to find because of competitions . There's so much more you can talk about but this is my city , and I love living the busy life


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