Recife, my city and my place

I would like to post some photos taken by me in my city , Recife. A town in northeastern Brazil , the state capital of Pernambuco. Recife, a city that breathes culture in each place , in the streets , avenues and bridges. Bridges is one of its features , each with its history and honor. The frevo , a rhythm born here and that makes our joy always every year during the carnival celebration.


The host, Chico Science , icon of Pernambuco music, founder of the musical movement called Manguebeat .

Historic buildings in Rua do Bom Jesus , better known as " Street of the Jews " , in Recife 's Old Town .

Ground Zero , the point where begins the city of Recife.

Top view and overview of Conde Avenida da Boa Vista , the financial center and the city's trade.

I hope you enjoyed. :)

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