Pure Beauty At Pemberton BC... And Incredible Potatoes!!

Spending the day in beautiful Pemberton BC showed how just how spectacular British Columbia really is and the value of real food. The mountains and the sky are absolutely stunning and while Pemberton has clearly got caught up in the Whistler property boom and growth it still felt like an unspoiled small town.


It's been an incredible season on the mountains and they were still tipped with snow. Contrasting with a beautiful blue sky day it was an absolute feast for your eyes as far as the eye can see. Mountains everywhere surrounding you and gorgeous lakes and rivers.


When you're in Whistler alot of times you can buy Pemberton grass fed beef and it's absolutely amazing. I'm a lover of quality real food and so a stop for lunch at Mile One was definitely on the agenda for the day.



It's a true local favourite and is always busy, fresh and has beyond incredible food and a ton of local craft beers and drinks. They have an area where they sell local produce as well. It's still early in the season but they had some great potatoes that we took home. The burgers lived up to their reputation and far exceeded expectations!


Pemberton is famous for growing some of the best potatoes in the world and garlic as well. Both of these foods need to be well sourced as mass food production has done some nasty things in the way they are grown and treated with chemicals to stop mold and to enable some countries to grow them on the cheap.


After an epic lunch we went out explored a bit more and found some awesome huge art pieces at the local golf course. There's a really creative vibe in the whole town and it showed!


There were a bunch of these huge sculptures on the course and they had a steampunk feel to them... really nice!


We then went down to the river where you could apparently find some BC jade... we looked for awhile but didn't have any luck. However we did have another viewpoint to admire the incredible beauty from a different angle.


So when you make your way to beautiful British Columbia definitely put Pemberton on your list! It's a bit out of the way but worth every bit of extra driving on the scenic mountain roads that get you there!


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