Kids Photography using Canon T3i + 50mm F1.8 - ISO 100 开心的孩子 - 剑桥 Jesus Green 大草地

Hello Friends!

It is HARD to take photos on kids, because they are moving, jumping all the time, they just won't stand still!

So you just have to take as many shots as possible, try to capture the best moments.

Camera T3i + 50mm F1.8 - ISO 100, the AV ( Aperture priority ) mode.  

Place:  Jesus Green, Cambridge, UK

给孩子拍照特别不容易 因为他们总是跳啊,动啊。

弟弟这么小就懂得撩妹, 真幸福


脉脉含情的注视着, 儿子有女朋友了 🙂 

Remember to follow me at  @justyy

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