Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 74 - Delicious American Microbrews!


biiru. "Beer."

A string of delicious, hoppy microbrews kindly picked up for me by @mslight2016st.

I haven't been too much of a beer guy as of late, but knowing that I was coming to the states, I had been looking forawrd to trying some microbrews and very hoppy, citrus-y and piney India Pale Ales, as IPAs and microbrews in Japan are still, for the most part, watered-down and, well...oftentimes, boring.

I'm here in the states now, and I haven't been disappointed.

Noon Day IPA. Definitely my favorite so far. A piney, dry-hoppy beast that left me feeling oh, so satisfied.

This Lagunitas I had up in Chicago wasn't an IPA, but was still very hoppy and delicious. Looking forward to trying the IPA today!

Zombie Dust is a microbrew from a world-famous local brewery in Northwest Indiana called Three Floyds. Beautiful, candy-like, hoppy taste.

To all the microbrew connoisseurs out there, what's your favorite? Lemme know in the comments!

(Thanks for stopping by. If you missed the last Japan Photo Blog, vol. 73: "Misc. American Impressions," you can find that HERE.)

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