My favourite spot in the whole world, maybe

Just an hour or so away from where I grew up is one of the most peaceful places in the entire world.

Mount Carmel, Saskatchewan.

There's quite the back story about this place - which I might share at some point! - but more than anything, I just wanted to post about how peaceful it is.

I like to go there regularly--especially when I just feel spent and at the end of my rope about something. Without fail, it always restores something in me and brings me consolation.

Religious or not, it's just a lovely place to go and clear your mind and experience the peace of the rolling plains all around. It's one of the highest points in the southern part of the province (which isn't that high, lol), and so you can see sooooo far. It clears the mind and heart and speaks gentleness and peace into the harried places.

As @daveks often says in his posts, Saskatchewan (our province in Canada), is rightly called the "Land of the Living Skies." You'll see that this is true with the photos below from a summer evening I spent there.

I'd love to take you all here one day!






P.S.! Did you catch my post for this week's Open Mic? A cover of a song I LOVE!

Or, if you enojyed my photography, I'd love if you'd take a look at some beautiful things I captured on my trip to London last spring..

Your support means a lot to me. Thanks for following @kayclarity and resteeming if you enjoy posts about beauty, art, culture, life, Steemit, and, of course, my original music and poems. xx

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