Vintage/nostalgic edited California roses

These roses were so beautiful--but they came alive in a whole new way for me when I captured them and was able to do a little editing on VSCO.

(Anyone else a fan? It revolutionized something for me - gave me a new and extremely satisfying artistic outlet, joined to my iPhone photography.)

Photos can express so much - longing and the ache of the beauty, the stretching toward the more and the eternal.

My editing process is purely and only intuitive; I play until it clicks into place, until it feels as though I have caught something eternal and perfect and true. I feel it in my stomach--this strange relaxing into something real and right. But only when I've edited it perfectly and have been thus able to capture the poetry of a sacred moment.

These roses felt this way, and I couldn't help but share them. They make me catch my breath when I look at them still, and I'd love for you to experience that as well. There is so much that is hard and ugly in our days; a little bit of beauty in a cultivated, intentional moment can really make a difference.

(Please comment or upvote so I can go and take a look at what you've been up to as well - what little bits of beautiful and interesting you've been bringing into the world. It really is my pleasure! Thank you!)




P.S. New cover up today (Alanis Morissette!)!. I'd love to share it with you.

Thank you so much for following @kayclarity and resteeming, commenting, and upvoting if you enjoy posts about beauty, art, culture, life, Steemit, and, of course, my original music and poems. I love sharing with you all. xx

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