📷 OneBreathOnePhoto #7 - ONE photo of ONE moment on ONE breath of air

Hello dear Steemian friends! Welcome to the 7th episode of:


As some of you may know, two of the things that I'm deeply passionate about besides travelling, is Freediving and Photography. Freediving is a practice of diving underwater without a tank or any other breathing apparatus, gliding through the watery abyss on a single breath of air with nothing but you and nature.

My aim for #onebreathonephoto is to showcase the beauty of this sport and the beauty of the ocean, as well as to brighten up your day by sharing some of my favourite photos taken over the years.

ONE photo at a time, of ONE moment in time, on ONE breath of air

Episode #7: Shapeless Water

Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water - Bruce Lee
1/250sec F/3.5 ISO100

Have a great weekend everybody! 😃

Previous Episodes:

6. WhatLiesBeneath |5. IntoTheAbyss | 4. WhaleStare |
3. FlyingTurtle | 2. MondayBlues | 1. Humpday

steemit follow 2.gif for more #OneBreathOnePhoto Goodness!

Your Upvotes & Resteems means a lot to me, Thank You!

© Picture by @kuenok

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