The Old Dog Outfoxes: Two Big, Dangerous, Killer Dogs!

 Learn how I saved my rear end from turning into a rump roast meal for my neighbours two big dogs.  

  No this isn’t one of the dogs that I outfoxed but they were just as scary. This first photo is from pixbay all others were taken by me today!  

  My Daily Life!

Those of you that know me from my early posts know that I’m a window cleaner by day and a Blogger by night! But don’t feel sorry for me. You can see why it’s a great job by looking at my post here!  

 I have lot’s of stories and more mishaps and adventures than your average postal delivery person.

  My Steemit article  above is full of cool pictures showing the spectacular places that I work!  Nice payout!

  Now That Your Not Feeling Sorry For Me.....On With My Story!  

  Today I went to wash the windows for a family that lives right in my little village. Their house is on the other side of our tiny town and I had to fold back both side mirrors to drive through the narrowest point of the road! 

This is the road that leads to the other side of our village. Don't worry it gets narrower!  Ahh, the joys of quaint old European life. Take the good with the heart stoppages and enjoy the ride!    


 With both mirrors folded in there wasn’t even a pencil width to fit by! Exciting or What?  How'd you like to learn to drive in our town?

  What About Those Rear End Eating Dogs?  

  So my customer has two big dogs which she “kindly” puts into a fenced off “cage” while I wash her windows. The trouble is that they’re both watchdogs and mighty aggressive and irritated by my very presence when I’m there. Add to this the fact that I have to position my ladder right against the fence when I’m doing the job and I’m in for some rear end biting action.   

  The two dogs are witnessing two nice big juicy rump roasts  from my backside and the look of terror from my front side!    

 Here are the two culprits. Don’t get me wrong; I’m sure that they’re nice lovable creatures with their owners!  

The trick to saving my ass is to use two ladders. I use the small one to climb onto the tall one past the height where my pursuers can reach me!  If not those two man-eaters stand up on their hind legs and snap away!

Here’s my view looking down at the dogs once I’m on the long ladder. At this point they’d already realized that this Old Dog had outfoxed them and they’d given up on getting a piece of my flesh.  

 Here’s a view from up on the ladder. You can see the Alps in the back and my place on the other side of the town:  

 I hope that you enjoyed reading about my little adventure today and how The Old Dog outfoxed two big, dangerous killer dogs!

Until next time,   

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)  

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