The Old Dog Recounts: I Found a Watery Path and Re-Lived Old Memories

  Can a path exist on the water? In reality only for a moment, but seconds in time captured in a photo can last indefinitely. These pictures embody the essence of some of my boyhood adventures and superimposes them onto my son.  

The boat cuts a path through the water and skiing has turned into tubing. Lots of fun and no learning curve!


I had often recounted to my son stories of my summers spent at a boyhood friend's remote cottage in Georgian Bay Ontario. A cottage built piece by piece with his father's own hands! A place so isolated that it could only be accessed by boat. A place where I learned to ski, to jump off of cliffs, to face rattle snakes, to explore and to fish. A place whose positive vibes were burned into my heart and my mind!

  But I'm an Old Dog and it was another era and as a consequence I didn't have even one photo of those magical moments.  

I Wondered if That Time, Those moments Could Ever be Recaptured!

° Could I ever re-live some of those moments with my son? 

° Had I exaggerated? 

° Was that place really so special?   

° Could I bridge a gap that spanned not only 40 years but also a continent?

 I Re-Connected With an Old Friend!

I contacted my old buddy and to my delight he invited us to that remote place and my wish came true. We re-created many of the same adventures and my son lived, at least in part, some of my stories. 

 I hadn't exaggerated, that place really was so special and this time I had the proof! 

We used to swim across the bay and jump off of this cliff.................... and we did so again!

Decades had past but the old cottage built by his father was still there............. Magical!

Can You Re-Connect With Someone From Your Past?

Since that occasion, now 5 years ago, I've met up with my long lost boyhood friend almost yearly. Our bond seems as strong as it was when we were kids. He's even visited me here in Switzerland and he and my son get along famously. If you can, try and re-connect with someone from your past. It might lead you on a path to memories both  new and old!


I hope that you enjoyed this memorable, watery pathway!   

Until next time,   

@kus-knee (The Old Dog) 

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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