Canadian Rockies: An afternoon with wolves. Day 2

Good morning Steemians!!

The first day completed, I could hardly sleep at night in excitement for what was to come. Just like the night before, I closed my eyes and tried my best until sunrise. I was tired but my extreme work hours prepare me for moments like these, @silvergingerman calls it my superhuman ability to function several days without much sleep. Back on topic, It was time to get out of bed and watch another one of Canmore's magical rosy sunrise from the suite's window, sorry I didn't really get pictures of it, I just got lost in the moment and enjoyed the show while it lasted.

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Shot 1/320 sec. f/10 34mm, ISO 200

We were finally out and about and ready to make our way to what was the reason or main event planned for our trip. As we drove out of the mountains towards the small town of Cochrane, we couldn't help but stare at the rear-view and side-view mirrors to catch every second of the fast disappearing winter wonderland while heading into the golden fields of Alberta's prairies. We were both disappointed that we were heading out of the mountains but we knew it was just for a few hours, we got over it quickly and started thinking about our exciting afternoon we had planned, an afternoon with wolves.

Shot 1/250 sec. f/8 55mm, ISO 100

We finally arrived at the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary, where they care, adopt and foster wolves and wolf- dogs rescued from various situations or pets surrendered by well meaning owners that underestimated the task of raising a wolf-dog. The sanctuary offers different type of tours, a self guided walk thru the paths around the large enclosures where small packs of wolves roam the territory or the interactive tour where you also get to go sit in the pens with 2 different packs while being educated on the differences between wolves and wolf dogs and their requirements by the friendly guides and caretakers. All the profits from the tours and and the souvenir shop are to help run and expand their facility.

Shot 1/1600 sec. f/6 155mm, ISO 400

Of course we went for the full wolf experience! The interactive tour is by appointment only in order to control the number of visitors not to overwhelm the animals. The first pack we got to visit was a pack of 3 high content wolves( 98% +) one arctic wolf and two grey wolves. The tour guide hands each of us a handful of jerky treats as we sat before getting the pack worked up enough for treats to come out and visit us. Luckily, all three were in a good mood and came to the seats to say hello. They came close enough to be able to gently touch their back as they walk by to collect their share of the jerky loot.

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Shot 1/1000 sec. f/6.3 200mm, ISO400

I'm sure most of us assume the 4 legged hunter might see us as food, in fact they don't we are intimidating to them. They don't want much interactions with humans. We eventually ran out of treats and the wolves disappeared to their favorite hang-out, it was time to move on to the second pack.

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Shot 1/800 sec. f/7.1 78mm, ISO 200

The second pack was 3 medium content wolf-dogs, unlike their timid cousins, they display the excitement and some of the friendliness of a dog while maintaining the size and wilderness of wolves. They came to get their bounty directly from the palm of our hands and enjoyed the attention they were receiving from their guests. I have to say it was a unique experience to interact with such a beautiful creature on such a personal level. I doubt I would ever get this close to a wolf in the wilderness as I did today! this is certainly the next best thing! We were lucky enough to finish our tour in time for one last event, the feeding of one of the other pack of 2 residing at the sanctuary.

Shot 1/1250 sec. f/6.3 200mm, ISO 400

Our wolf adventure was over but the afternoon was sill young with a few hours of daylight still left, we headed back to the mountains for more scenic points he haven't yet visited. We took a random road up a mountain with no set destination in mind or even knowing where we were headed and just drove haha, lets get lost in the mountains!! As per usual we stopped at several lookout points where it was safe to do so to take it all in.

Shot 1/125 sec. f/5.6 16mm, ISO 280

It was really windy and storms were starting to build up over the peaks, we knew we didn't want to take a long hiking project and best to keep with the original plan from inside a warm vehicle. So far, we were doing well at staying ahead of the snow storm as we continued our scenic tour. One of the highlights of roaming the back country is the random wildlife encounters, naturally, today was no different.

Shot 1/500 sec. f/5.6 68mm, ISO 250

We did eventually make it to Lake Minnewanka, the storm still looked far enough to get out and explore the lake area for a while but it was getting cold and we didn't want to be there long so we quickly made our way around the lake to get a view of the surroundings and the incoming storm over the mountains across the water. Potentially a park to explore further on a future trip. It was getting late and darkness would soon arrive plus the inevitable storm we would have to drive back into, it was best to wrap up for the day and head back to our accommodations for the night.

Shot 1/200 sec. f/7.1 18mm, ISO 200

Shot 1/250 sec. f/4.5 92mm, ISO 500

All images taken with Nikon D7000 paired with sigma lens

Here is the link for day 1 in case you missed it.

Don't miss day 3 ! Until then cheers!! xox

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