BEACH Scenes Malaysia - Port Dickson Beach

I love the beaches in Malaysia where I live.

Warm sand, mild waves and calm, soothing waters.

These photos were taken 2 months ago at Port Dickson beach from the balcony of the apartment I was staying in. From the balcony, I had a vast view of the horizon as well the warm white sandy beach below me.

Port Dickson is a small town located about 100km (roughly 60miles) from the capital city Kuala Lumpur. A quiet place that offers all the usual amenities 

This beach is 3 miles from the town, right off the road. Yes, it was THAT accessible.

I took a short series of photos from the balcony as sunset unrolled. The colours were stunning. It was dark in almost an instant. Sunsets and sunrises don't last long along the Equator.

At 7.25 pm, it was still bright enough to see that the coast is clear (pun intended!)...

At 7.30pm, this plant looks like it stands vertical against horizontally layered dusk/day.

At 7.33pm, the view from the other side of the balcony.

At 7.41pm, it is definitely darker....and I am silhouetted against deepening sea and sky.

At 7.45 pm, it is dark now. Night. Time to look for some delicious barbecue dinner... :-)

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