Architecture Photography (black & white) - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry

"Projections of Bauhaus"
Pozsonyi út 40, by architects Béla Hofstätter and Ferenc Domány. Apartment building constructed in 1936. Budapest, Hungary.

"Corinthian Scale"
The Pantheon. Commissioned by Marcus Agrippa in 126 A.D. (Estimated.) Rome, Italy.

"Contours of Light"
MAXXI Museum by Zaha Hadid. Built in 2010. Rome, Italy.

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Above, my top 3 submissions for the architecture photography challenge. These three cover a wide range of time periods in architecture, from Roman to Bauhaus to Contemporary. (All photographs were taken with a Nikon DSLR camera.)

"Pattern" is a dominant theme throughout my photography. I hope you enjoy these images that attempt to capture a brief window into how patterns have transformed architecture over the past few centuries.

Here are some additional photographs below :

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Dessau, Germany.

"Of Webbed Glass and Steel"
Train Station.

Siena Duomo (Cathedral.) Built in 1348. Siena, Italy.

The Torre del Mangia. Built in 1348 (Same time as the Duomo.) Siena, Italy.

Contemporary Pavilion. Venice, Italy.

San Marco Campanile. Venice, Italy. Originally constructed in 1514, the first tower collapsed due to structural flaws and was reconstructed in 1914.

"Facade Twins"
Budapest, Hungary.

"Rounding the Renaissance"

Thank you for clicking and scrolling! Check out my page for more on photography, art and architecture.

By LGM-1

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