A Walk Through The Farm, Update 2: The Jungle Reawakens, Garden Meets Jungle

The above flower is of a Flor de Mayo tree in our yard, a curiously bendy tree found all over the city in colors ranging from white to yellow to pink.  The jungle is awake again, and this is just evidence of that.

This is a hibiscus bush that looked dead two weeks ago.

This hasn't really grown at all since we've been here until recently.

I am growing my passionfruit vine onto the bars of the house, starting today.

I will probably plant onions and spinach with it as companions.

It was ready to climb

I don't remember what it's called but I've identified this tree.  Its a very strong medicine used in very specific circumstances, and it's pretty.

Tomatoes intertwined with lettuce and jungle weeds.

Much of the garden area covered in weeds. 

The basil is going strong now.

It's now a huge bush

We have a few Spanish pumpkin plants about.

Thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!

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