Acapulco Sunsets: Crazy Awesome Set Part 3

As Living in the Clouds turns into Acapulco Sunsets, we continue this crazy awesome set I've been sharing with you all. These were taken by John with the D7200 camera, capturing some of the crazy colors the Acapulco sun is capable of. I'll share the links to the other posts in this series below, for those who have missed them.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Acapulco Sunsets: August 13th 2017
Lily's Little Garden: Pretty Striped Rose and Succulents
Brother Bane Photo Shoot part 2

Here are the other posts in this series!
Living in the Clouds: Crazy Awesome Set Part 1
Living in the Clouds: Crazy Awesome Set Part 2

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2 columns
1 column