Acapulco Sunsets: Shot by Shot

Every so often John goes takes the time to take a whole bunch of pictures at once, at least several hundred of the city.  The first was during the lightning storm which I shared here, over a thousand photos by the end of it.  This one has been of a sunset from several days ago at this point.  There's only one more post after this one and we're done with this evening's sunset! For those who have been following this one, thank you!

Stay tuned for the last set!

Check out these other recent sunset posts!

Fireballs and Walls of Clouds

Lost But not Forgotten

Stormy Sunsets Bring Pretty Views

Busy Days and Stunning Sunsets

And if you're interested in the Lightning photos I mentioned in the beginning of this post, check out these links or search lightning over the bay for all the posts, as there's like ten.

Halfway through the night (when things got good)

Bright Bolts and Bursts

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

And if you're interested in the Lightninh

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