Adventures Around Acapulco, Part 1: Playa La Angosta Beach at Sunset

We took a drive to the central market area of town and used that as an excuse to go all the way here, to catch the sunset from a different view than normal.

The funny thing about this beach is that even the Mexicans are confused as to the name.  It's named after the street it's on La Angosta, but because of the way the words sound together, people often call this the langosta beach, or the lobster beach.  In reality, there's actually another beach that is called la langosta, and that's the lobster beach, not this one.  This beach had crabs, if anyone was wondering. 

So there you have it for now.  This day was a photo rich day, so I've got several more posts from this day alone to share with you.

We've built an enclosure for the rabbits, so stay tuned to see how we handled that! Things are busy up here, but things are happening!

Thanks for reading and supporting, until next time.

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