Adventures Around Acapulco, Part 6: Children's Day and Common Sights

One of my favorite days here in Mexico is called Dia de los Ninos. It happens before Mother's and Father's day and is exactly as it sounds, a day dedicated to celebrating kids and childhood in general.  During the day, the parents shower their kids with whatever gifts and fun they can afford, and at night the parents get down to business, letting their own inner child out in the form of the party. 

We happened to be out and around that day and we noticed huge swatchs of kids, usually at amusement parks of some nature.  I took some candid photos of the one featuring the dragon rollercoaster as we drove by, as it's the busiest I've ever seen it.

Even Walmart was a zoo, with kids running rampant all over the store.

A western style art supplies and copy place with an internet cafe.

So there you have it, some common sights with some extraordinary ones.  Coming from a culture that literally seems to dislike kids, Dia de los Ninos is a refreshing day for me.  I live in a place where children are celebrated for what they are and it is for this reason that Mexican children are known as being some of the nicest children.

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