Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffle Food Porn Photo Shoot

Rainy days bring chocolate making projects as the weather was cool enough to keep me in pajama pants for pretty much all day. I've been planning on making my own version of Reese's cups for a long time and tonight was my first attempt at any of that sort of stuff just to see how hard it is. I'd admit, it's hard to get things right. Now come the photos, later will come the recipe. So stay tuned!

So good but honestly messy once they start to thaw a little, as I used the wrong chocolate to make them. I've got an idea for my next attempt, but you'll find out more about that in the recipe post.

While I've baked for a long time I'm new to candy making and so I'm honestly sharing my learning journey here. These were my best looking chocolates...out of 20.

The idea was originally to make buckeyes, which I realized was a lot harder than I expected and I promptly gave up on.

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