Dairy Free Instant Flan Fail Photo Shoot and Story

I love flan. And I love the instant pot.  However due to the fact that it's literally just dairy sugar and eggs, I have a hard time digesting this custard delicacy.  So I'm on the hunt for a tasty almond milk version, not vegan as it'll still have eggs but certainly dairy free.  I made a first attempt at this a few days ago and failed hard.  I'm sharing this with you to remind you all that sometimes things don't go correctly, even as a chef.

We got these ramekins to help with my food presentation, and honestly I was thinking flan from the beginning.  I've been meaning to attempt a dairy free version and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

I found one that seemed okay, although there was honestly too much milk to egg, making it so it never set.  The recipe was in grams which isn't so easy for me to wrap my head around always, so I just missed the fact that the ratio was off.  Waaay off.

I made a simple caramel for the bottom of the ramekins.

Measured out too much milk according to the recipe.  This is just a heads up, just because it's on a blog doesn't mean it's actually a good recipe.

I even personally modified the caramel recipe...I should have known at the caramel recipe!

The caramel is the only part of this that turned out alright.

And it ended up under the crappy flan.

The trivet and a little water go into the instant pot.

And the wannabe flan.

For 9 minutes, excuse the mess haha. They didn't even all fit, but I learned a lot from this.  I ended up running it several cycles before giving up.  It tried to set at room temperature but was still soupy.  This taught me there was WAY too much milk.  I'm going to attempt this again and reduce the milk by about 150g, down from 500g originally.  This will hopefully yield a foolproof dairy free flan recipe for 3 ramekins, just enough to fit into the instant pot. 

Stay tuned for the success story!

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The Shelf From Hell, Firing our Compadre...Again
Adventures Around Acapulco: Central Market, Honey Cart and Chickens

Acapulco Sunsets: Bright and Blue

Best Ever Instant Pot Flan

Thanks for following and supporting! And thanks to @pauliepro for designing these little Lily images for me to use in my posts, like the one above!

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