Hen's First Egg: Bringing New Respect to the Things We Eat

Now I've talked a bit recently about how humbled I've been as far as eggs are concerned.  For about a week or so we stopped getting eggs from our chickens, which we had at least one layer at the time.  It may have been due to a few different factors but we were getting a bit confused.  Then yesterday John came inside with these two eggs.

This is quite possibly a chicken's first egg.  It's actually very likely considering there was another blood-free egg that honestly looks like it came from another chicken.  Egg laying is not an easy process.  For a chicken, it's like giving birth every morning.  Hens get used to it, but the first few eggs are the hardest, as you can see here.

I'll admit, I've been one to waste food in the past.  I was known for cooking myself an egg with breakfast and not even touching it, but this is before we had our own birds.  Since they've started laying I've only eaten their eggs, save for a store bought egg in a baked good. 

So next time you go to a store and see all those eggs in those cartons, remember that a bird with much worse living conditions than mine had to go through a lot of pain and discomfort to make each one of those happen.  It brings a whole level of respect to the food we eat and reminds us that there's a lot involved.  

To the chickens that laid these eggs, thanks guys! Your efforts will not go wasted!

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

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