Lily's Succulent Collection: A Photo Story

While I'll admit I honestly don't know much about succulents as a type of plant, I do have a strong fascination with them.  They've recently been on sale at The Home Depot for about 20 pesos each, just over a dollar.  The little cactuses featured with my succulents in these photos were grown by me, from seed. 

The college I went to had a green house and I spent a lot of time volunteering there.  Most of my time there was spent in the room with the succulents, marveling at how cool they looked. They're definately some of the most alien looking plants I know of.  It was the succulents and the carnivorous plants which caught my eye.

Originally coming from a supposed cactus mix, this seems to be one variety of generic cactuses and I've got a lot of them.

These sit atop my dining table as a sort of centerpiece now.

A sort of spiky zen garden.

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

All photos are mine and original, taken with my Nikon D5500 camera

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