Modprobe's Mansion: The Pool and Random Sights from the Balcony

@modprobe is in the process of moving out into his own giant mansion that he's renting.  I've drooled over this place from the outside for over a year now so it's pretty cool that our good friend is now living there. 

This is easily one of the deepest pools we've experienced here in Mexico. Pools are notoriously shallow because Mexicans are generally shorter than we are.

That was a boulder likely already here that they seem to have incorporated.  It has a nice in water step. 

There's a water fall with a jumping platform although we've been advised NO DIVING UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES

This building has been being built in the time we've been here by hand by Mexicans with shovels.  Not really much for cement mixers or trucks.

Just creeping on the neighbors dope pool with nice tile mural on the bottom.

This is what I've got for now, stay tuned for a plethora of posts to come.  We'll be throwing a housewarming party for the local community to break in this awesome house, so stay tuned for photos from that and the recipes because I'll be the one to cater.

Thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

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