Rebel My Mountain Boulder Dog Part 2

Ah, my fur baby. I even carried him around like a baby when he was a puppy leading to some interesting....tendancies as an adult.  He gets a lot of comfort out of being held. And boulders. He loves boulders.

I love how he tunes his ears towards specific things.  He's got one towards me, one towards the chickens you can't see on the ground below.


Love those paws. I've never trimmed his nails, the boulders do that for me.  So did many early puppyhood walks on rocks or road.

He's my unvaccinated, unregistered anarchist pup.

And he's ready to raid the compost pile. Or the chickens....or both.

He climbs things like no dog I've seen before.

This is why he loves boulders.

He loves the view.

Hasta luego, thanks for following and supporting, until next time!

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