Roo, The Gentle Rooster

Every morning at about 6:35 in the morning I hear my Roo (the black and white spotty guy with the red thing on his head), short for rooster, crowing in the new day. When he first started doing it, he sounded so unsure of himself to where his cockle-doodle-doo sounded much less like a statement and more like a question. Since then he's come out of his shell, with a much more confident crow often to tell us that he's knocked over the water again, or that he'd like a snack.

Truth be told he's a charming little bastard and that's partially because he's pretty mild mannered as far as roosters are concerned. Being of a docile breed, he's just kind of a chill guy that makes noise when he feels he has to. We have another rooster who's much more confident and also much meaner.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Cannabis Infused Marshmallow Cereal Treat Food Porn
Fermentation Adventures: First Batch of Sauerkraut Finished and Successful
Bright Purple Wildflowers Garden Photo Shoot


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