LSCOTTPHOTOS Welcome to my family :) Thank you steemers <3 (Original Photos)

One week yet it seems like one year... I've been a part of the Steemit community for 7 days now and I've never felt more inspiration and encouragement. I came here out of curiosity and I stayed for the community. So I would like to welcome you all to my family now!

Here is my cat, Leo. You'll never find a sassier little boy than him (and between you and me, I think he is part wolf). He loves listening to wolf howling tracks on Youtube and watches wolf nature programs on TV... literally sits there are stares at the screen in fascination. He has yet to howl at the moon, but he whines for food loud enough.

Here's my pup Silas! He may be 12 but he acts like he is 2. We've had him since the moment he was born - we bred our old dog, Sable, with a purebred golden and couldn't help but to keep one of the pups. He has his father's good looks but his mother's fluffy coat (and husky undercoat which is a NIGHTMARE to brush out).

Say hi to my parents!

And here is my brother hugging a tree in the RedWood forests.

I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the follows, upvotes, and sweet comments. To be honest, I hit a rough patch in life not too long ago. I ended up dropping out of college, losing my job, moving back in with my parents, and enduring an emotionally abusive relationship while struggling with depression and social anxiety. So to finally be able to open up and have a purpose (even if it is simply just sharing my pictures) makes me feel happier than I have in a long time. Also, every upvote helps me pay my school loans as I wait to recover my health!

So thank you steemer friends from the bottom of my heart <3
P.S. forgive the icky selfie - I'm recovering from a cold :P

Here's to many more posts and great photography! Here's to community and kindness!
<3 lscottphotos

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