Why Chongqing is rich in beauties? 重庆为什么出美女


It is well acknowledged truth that Chongqing is rich in beauties. There is a popular saying that only know the office you take is too low when arrive in Beijing, only know money you have is too small when you arrive in Shenzhen, and only know you married too early when you arrived in Chongqing. There is another saying that when one hangs out around Chongqing Monument for Liberation, one will see Maggie Zhang every three steps and Brigitte Lin every five steps, which gives a strong proof to the well-acknowledged truth. But, do you know why Chongqing is rich in beauties?



Chongqing is commonly known as Fog city, in which over 100 days out of a year are foggy. Many women apply masks every day to provide more water for their skin and keep moisture. Similar to apply masks, the nature of fog is aqueous vapor, and Chongqing fog is the face masks given by the god to Chongqing women for free.


Chongqing is full of mountainous areas, where one has the feeling of keeping walking up hills and down hills all the time. All charming figures are building up day by day and month by month, and many Chinese famous models are from Chongqing.

In mountainous Chongqing, it is definitely to walk up hills when one goes out; therefore these sports make Chongqing women slim and neat.


During the period of anti-Japanese war, the essence of the whole country was concentrated in Chongqing, both political leaders and military generals, both business elites and art stars. Therefore, the beauty gene took roots in Chongqing people.


At last it comes to Chongqing hotpot, which is usually used when describe Chongqing girl character. Hot and spicy hotpot can burn off extra fat, and also make Chongqing girls and women pink-and-white complexion.

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