Look at the Animals: my Little Journey Into the World of Mysterious Animals

In his post, I want to talk about his little journey into the world of animals. My family and I went to the zoo. Mini Zoo called Luchino. All the animals there are very nice and kind.

First we saw at the zoo Dog breed Siberian Husky. Siberian Husky - dog breed is bred as a sled dog, one of the oldest breeds of dogs. It is now also used as a companion dog and show dog show. General view of a dog breed Siberian Husky - is primarily the appearance of lightness and speed. Dog adapted to high physical loads, so it has long been used as a sled dog.

Then we saw a raccoon. They are so funny and ridiculous. Raccoons were very friendly. Every raccoon has a name Stepochka, Claudia, Pirate, Silver and Boatswain. Raccoon got its name because of his maniacal desire to wash its prey in the water. Often one can observe how the animal tirelessly washes his food for a whole hour. Sometimes inexperienced young mother washed in the river of their fragile young, from what kids die, choking on water. Raccoon are found in Central and North America and Eurasia, choosing his residence forest areas located near water bodies and rivers, as well as places where a mild climate prevails.
These animals even learn places inhabited by people, and get along well with the man in the towns and villages. The main advantage of a raccoon - its thick, lush and warm fur, which has a gray, black and yellow color, and the famous striped tail. Raccoon - not a very large animal. Raccoon - a night animal. By day he slept, and at night to hunt, using the excellent hearing and a beautiful sight, allowing raccoon to see in the dark. Despite the fact that raccoon - wild animal and plant food it is present in the diet. Raccoon an enviable appetite, as during the warm period is actively preparing for hibernation by storing body fat.

Not far from the raccoons we saw a fox. The fox - it's an amazing animal. The fox is a very beautiful animal, it is slender, graceful, with beautiful fur and a long fluffy tail and long, pointed snout. The fox - very well-known character of Russian folk tales, as well as many other tales and stories.

Ostrich - the largest of living birds. An adult male reaches a height of two meters and weighs about 100 kilograms. Strauss is able to develop a speed of 50 km / h and with such agility run about half an hour. This mobility combined with excellent hearing and vision ostrich provides excellent protection against all enemies except man. When the ostrich nowhere to retreat, it becomes a formidable opponent. Its unique didactylism legs - a reliable weapon. However, when he has a choice, he usually prefers to flee. When I saw the ostrich - he seemed huge. I was afraid to be photographed with him as he tapped his beak on the cage.

We saw two camels. They were friendly and asked to eat. My daughter was surprised and pleased to see these beautiful animals. The camel lot of adaptations to live in the desert. Long thick eyelashes protect its eyes from sand, which is being driven strong winds. When, during a sandstorm it becomes difficult to breathe, a camel could almost close my nostrils. Two toes on each foot connected callused pad. Thanks to her, the camel does not sink in the sand. The camel can eat a variety of plants, even those in which a lot of salt. Insensitive to spikes mouth is able to chew any prickle, and three-chambered stomach digest food very rough.

The cage was Iguana. The iguana - magnificent, amazing animal! Little iguana looks like a pathetic, charming, somewhat cartoon dragon. Grown iguana - a dragon more. Iguanas are diurnal. Iguanas good tamed, like a caress.

Opossums cute and touching creature. My child was glad to watch them. Opossums - the inhabitants of forests, steppes and semi-deserts. Most leads terrestrial or arboreal lifestyle, water opossum - semi-aquatic. Are active at dusk and at night.

Of the most important bird was a hawk. This majestic bird with a terrible view looking at us. The hawk - bird of prey. The hawk lives in the forest and makes its nest in a tree. She tries to choose a tree taller. The Hawks - violent predators. Falling from a height at high speed, they are their sharp claws inflict mortal wounds to the victim.

We saw how alone walked swan. The Swan - the stately and graceful bird. A flock of swans flying - a rare beauty of the spectacle. People have long revered these birds as a symbol of purity and nobility. The swans live all my life for 30-40 years.

Cute and fluffy rabbits were at the zoo. Rabbits could pat and take his arms. Rabbits are the most prolific breeds. Rabbits are relatively undemanding in keeping and feeding conditions. Due to the thick fur of rabbits do not need a warm room, and can be in the entire year outside cells. Rabbits fed with cheap green, coarse and succulent fodder.

We saw different species of ducks:

Breed Musk duck
Musk duck have a massive body, the front part of the head is covered with a skin of red color near the base of the beak - a pink-red fleshy growths on what looks like a duck turkey.

Breed ducks mulard
These ducks - interspecific hybrid produced by crossing musk duck drakes with domestic ducks breeds Beijing white, Orpington, Rouen and White Allier. They are not found in the wild, appear only on the initiative of the person to correct deficiencies.

Breed Rouen ducks
The bird has a massive, horizontally put the body, deep chest, broad back. According to the color of plumage is similar to his own wild ancestor. Ducks head is dark brown with two light brown stripes from the beak to the neck on both sides. The upper torso share a light-brown color; feet deep orange color; drake's head in a brilliant dark green, greenish-yellow beak, black at the end, neck green with a white ring, not a closed back, chest, reddish-brown shoulder-length from the shoulders all the lower lobe gray body.

I really liked the goats and horses. On horseback you can ride and feed the goats.

In the stable I saw the small birds. They sat and basked peacefully!

I enjoyed this journey into the world of animals. I love animals.

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