Winter Landscape Photography: A Beautiful Sunday Sunset after a great weekend!

I just finished an amazing weekend
of winter camping and fishing
with this beautiful Sunday sunset!

Welcome to another edition of my photography blog on Steemit!

This weekend, I went winter camping at my cottage. It was a blast! I have a bunch of cool photos and a vlog to share with you later this week. For now, check out this beautiful sunset I was able to see on my way home from camp!

I hope you enjoy these scenic winter views from a beautiful Sunday in February. These photos taken in New England, USA with a Nikon D3400, all photos taken by @Ma1neEvent (pronounced Maine-Event). Enjoy!

Check out this Sunset!
It was truly a beautiful ending to the day!


I felt very blessed to spend time outdoors this weekend with family!


I hope you enjoyed the sunset photos.
Hoping you also had a good weekend too!

Please follow my blog if you haven't yet, as I will be sharing more content from my winter camping weekend very soon on my Steemit blog! Thank you for viewing!


My photos are always Steemit original content!


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