Winter Scenic Views 2018 - A Beautiful Sunday for taking photos!

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I was able to capture of
Winter Scenery!

It was a BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon today. I am in northern New England in the United States, and it is very much winter here. We get a lot of snow and very cold temperatures during the December - March months. Today I was lucky to get a day off that featured some much warmer temperatures than we have been experiencing.

It was a beautiful blue sky day today, with temperatures around 22 degrees Fahrenheit. That may sound really cold to you already, but we actually have been experiencing temperatures well below zero Fahrenheit for the last few weeks. 20 above is a good 30 or more degrees warmer than we have been used to. I ventured outdoors with my camera, and decided to go for a drive.

Luckily, I was able to get a few pretty neat looking shots to share with you all on Steemit!

Here are the photos I was able to take today:

I headed down to the water to see if the river was completely frozen over....


Not quite. I certainly wouldn't walk on it!

It is still a beautiful view, don't you think?


I came across some frozen cattail plants...

I thought they looked pretty cool!


Then I walked out on a bridge that goes across the river...
and looked down into the freezing cold waters...


Later on I stopped by a snowmachine trail, and found this cool spot.

Some day I need to get myself a snowmobile! They look fun!

(ALL PHOTOS ARE ORIGINALS BY @Ma1neEvent. Nikon D3400)

I hope you have enjoyed these winter views!

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