Wandering Around In The Mist on A Beautiful Sunday

I always see my good friend @old-guy-photos celebrating #beautifulsunday so I figured after many weeks of reading his posts I'd give it a try.

I woke up this morning around 9:00 AM. Looking out the window the fog was extremely thick. It was a rare morning. It rained in the night and the morning was fairly cool but not cold. I was able to walk outside in a t-shirt and shorts to take a small walk around my property to enjoy the mist.

I Love Thick Foggy Mornings


This morning I stepped out on the porch and looked down the mountain and saw my neighbors dog. If you look at the for sale sigh, the dog is the black figure nearby. This is the only dog I've ever hated. My neighbor lives on the other side of our house so the dog was pretty far from home. My neighbor doesn't leash it or put it in a pen. It roams free and is aggressive. The thing has come after me barking and has chased me into the house. I've started carrying a baseball bat to check the mail in case it bothers me.

I tried to go to my neighbors house to complain but the dog was attacking my car and I couldn't get out. A strongly worded letter about the dog will be written and put in his mailbox.

Picture of A Normal, Non-Foggy Morning


I Have A Lot Of Pictures Of This Electrical Pole


On A Normal Sunny Day


I really like this electrical pole for pictures. In the spring and summer you see ivy creeping around the pole until it is fully covered. As the seasons change the ivy dies off and the pole is left bare.

The Old Swing Set Seems Sad In The Fog


I'm torn about this swing set. It's so old but it's sturdy. We could sand it down and fix it up for our daughter. But...it's right next to a cliff. A kid could swing off and go right now a dangerous cliff. I'd hope my child was smart enough to not swing dangerously but you never know.

The Trees Close By Are Shrouded In Fog




Hi Poe! My Walking Buddy Today.


An Old Staircase Up The Mountain


Thanks for taking a walk with me on my misty Sunday.

It's rare the fog is so thick in the morning. I do live in the Smokey Mountains so a light fog is pretty common. It takes a perfect combination of rain and warm/cool temperatures to get fog so thick.


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