How are friends at the end of the week, whether you all enjoy the beautiful days of the week with the family, finished doing the activities in this week.
This time I will give you some red flower images that have their own meaning, ranging from the shape, color and place of growth that much attention of everyone who see it.
I personally do not know what this flower is called, which must have been many of us who planted it at the residence or other places. Try to look together, this flower is almost like a candy flower of children sold in stores. The folds are very interesting. Many of them also decorate the place by folding the fabric into flowers like the flower that I share this.
How are friends at the end of the week, whether you all enjoy the beautiful days of the week with the family, finished doing the activities in this week.
This time I will give you some red flower images that have their own meaning, ranging from the shape, color and place of growth that much attention of everyone who see it.
I personally do not know what this flower is called, which must have been many of us who planted it at the residence or other places. Try to look together, this flower is almost like a candy flower of children sold in stores. The folds are very interesting. Many of them also decorate the place by folding the fabric into flowers like the flower that I share this.
Thank you for viewing and reading this post.
Bagaimana keadaan teman-teman diakhir pekan ini, apakah anda semua menikmati indahnya dihari pekan bersama keluarga, habis selesai mengerjakan aktifitas dalam minggu ini.
Kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa gambar bunga merah yang memiliki arti tersendiri, mulai dari bentuk, warna dan tempat tumbuhnya yang banyak perhatian orang semua yang melihatnya.
Saya pribadi tidak tau bunga ini apa namanya, yang pasti sudah banyak dari kita yang menanamkannya dihalaman tempat tinggal atau tempat lainnya. Coba perhati secara bersama, bunga ini hampir mirip seperti kembang permen anak-anak yang dijual ditoko-toko. Lipatannya pun sangat menarik sekali. Banyak juga diantara wanita menghias tempat dengan menggunakan kain yang dilipat-lipat menjadi bunga seperti yang gambar bunga yang saya bagikan ini.
Terimakasih telah melihat dan membaca postingan ini.