For anyone following my nestbox cam updates over the past two years you might of noticed this year i didn’t upload many videos it was mainly just pictures the reason for this was the microphone on the camera was not working so as the breeding season is well and truly over I removed the nestbox to give it a good clean for next year in doing so I decided to remove the camera and see if I could find out the reason for the lack of sound
As you can see it was immediately obvious the moment I removed the back plate, this repair couldn’t be any easier a simple plug in and all was good
I now look forward to next season and hopefully some great pictures and videos ( with sound )
For anyone who has not seen any of the nestbox cam updates here are a few pictures from the past few years
This was the very first picture as you can see it was brand new
And here we are ready for next year. Cheers for popping in. Thanks mike