Memories from abroad -Winter mountains

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I've been spending a lot of time on my old hard drives lately

Digging through memories from when I lived in Japan. I was young, dumb, and went anywhere I thought there might be something interesting. I took trains, busses, even hitchhiked quite a bit. One of my favorite times to travel around was winter.

There was always a special feeling heading out with my pack and a vague plan. It was more of a direction than anything else. I usually did a quick Google search, found a town with something that might be cool, and figured out how to get there. No real forethought, no real plan of what to do when I got there, just a decision to go there. I usually ended up in some pretty cool places.

Winter was amazing and I always headed north.

My pack, a tent, a thick sleeping bag...I craved the revitalizing breath that came from snow-surrounded villages. This particular shot was taken in Shirakawa.

Staying at inns in Japan is expensive and I occasionally did it, but mostly I just slept in my lovely little tent. Yes, I used to do winter camping in deep snow. How I learned to survive that is a crazy story which is in the queue.

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Travel in Japan is easy, too easy for someone like me.

You could go anywhere if you just had the desire to. No rules other than the ones I set for myself. The perfect place for an adventurous guy in his twenties looking to see the world. The open roads of Japan led me many places....and this is just one of them :)

Stay tuned for some pics of my time in this lovely place :)

Thanks for stopping by and reading! Let me know what you think. Have you ever been to Shirakawa?

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