People in Pictures (PIP) - Downtown LA

I am forever the outsider.
Watching as people go about their lives. Capturing them as they go through their daily routines. A part of the ebb and flow of society. Their paths a mystery to me, all I get to see is just a moment. My goal is to capture that slice of time and show it to you.

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A street decked in gold. A street decked in poverty. The rich, the poor, they walk side by side on this busy street in LA.

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The people who walk in these streets, who live in these streets, they have stories. I'm afraid to ask about them even thought I'm really interested. Not because they'd tell me to piss off, but because they might answer. Their stories would change my life.

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Some people are P.I.M.P. wherever they go. They take their style with them. Through the places where it matches and the places where it doesn't. But this is a place where everything matches. Los Angeles.

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No one sees the people who are the most obvious. They walk by them. Look through them. Ignore them. Life is better not noticing. To recognize the problem would mean they might have to act. To lift themselves out of their daily comfort into the grime of reality.

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We had such dreams when we were young. Castles in the sky. But, not everyones reaches those lofty places. The weight of the world takes them down until their shoulders sag with the burden.


Life's a rush. Everyone's trying to get somewhere. One foot in front of the other. Head down. Moving forward. Why don't we look around more often. There's so much to see. Just past the fence, outside our daily blinders, beauty.

Thus ends my second edition of People in Pictures (PIP)

I hope you enjoyed my little walk through the city and the thoughts behind the images I take. When I take myself out of the equation, and watch the world around instead of trying to participate, it gives a unique perspective. You see the people as they are, actors on a stage, ready to placed in any role their environment might dictate. Some people transcend their places, others revel in them.

What do you see when you walk down the street?

Do you ever wonder about the stories people have lived?

Do you wonder if people ever wonder about you?

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