You can't escape death

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You will die. Everyone dies. There's no way to escape it. Because well, it's a part of life.

You shouldn't be scared of it because it's just like the sun rising. It will happen whether you want it to or not.

You should be excited for life because there are so many paths you can walk. So many roads to travel down.

And, like a good video game, you only have one chance.

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Some paths are easier to follow, others harder.

Some will take you on wild adventures.

Some will take you to the most boring places imaginable.

All paths will take you somewhere.

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The best ones, though, will get your shoes dirty. Really dirty.

Because those are the ones taking you to where you want to go. Those are the ones that challenge you, push you, test you to your limits.

There will always be a thousand walls between here and there. Uncountable miles of road.

Day after day, week after week, year after year...

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If you really want to live, the key is to fight through, to break through, to climb over those walls. To walk, and walk, and walk. To never give up.

To keep our eyes on the goal. To keep our head on task. On life.

Our mind works against us though. You have to be careful. It tells us there's always another day.

When maybe there's not. You never know.

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You can't escape death. No one can.

Tomorrow will always be there. But not always for you.

So my bit of advice, mainly to myself, is to try and live.

Don't hesitate. Don't be afraid. Don't wait.

If there's something you want. Go for it. Go for it 100%. I mean, seriously, what's the worst that could happen? You die? That's going to happen anyways. Might as well do it while on the path of your own choosing.

Shots taken while on a trip to Costa Rica in 2014. I wrote this as a reminder to myself more than anything else. Time passes fast if you let it and before you know it, there you are at deaths door with regrets. And, I don't want to be knocking with things still left to do... Be well and hope this post helps drive you a little closer to a better life :)

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