Plasma ball (Original photo)

( Note to plagiarism checkers: This image has a number of false positives on Google reverse image search. If you look closely at those, you'll see that none of them are my image. This image has never been posted anywhere other than Steemit. )

So we've had this plasma ball in our family for years now, but I recently realised that I'd never taken a photo of it in action. As it's still a pretty fascinating effect, I thought I'd rectify that...

I thought I might need a black background of some sort to isolate the ball, but as it turned out, simple turning all of the house lights off worked well enough. It just needed a very slight level adjustment afterwards to bring the background down to pitch black.

  • Canon EOS 350D
  • 1/6 sec
  • f/4.0
  • ISO 400

Here's what it looks like in the day-time...

( Note to plagiarism checkers: The top image has a number of false positives on Google reverse image search. If you look closely at those, you'll see that none of them are my image. This image has never been posted anywhere other than Steemit. )

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