The old man from the village

What can be more beautiful than living in the village? Far from the noise and crowd of the city, life in the country is the most relaxing. Full peace and clean air is all you need to lead a good living with family. The village is the place where peace and thought harmonize perfectly, here you can feel everything, past, present and future, here you can feel like home.

Today I got home from the village, I was visiting some cousins where I felt extremely good,there the air is unpolluted all around is beautiful the trees begin to bloom with the coming of spring. The sky is always clear, and people there are always ready to help you. The flowers have a beautiful scent and the colors are brightly colored. I took a walk through the streets where I was able to capture some pictures.

The first photo I made to this house, which was on a hilltop, and I was very attracted to the fact that there was an old man living in that house who was living a quiet life with his animals...



This old man was and is still a very diligent man who has worked hard to lift that house where he has been living for over 50 years. He has worked most of his life with animals and agriculture. His wife died a few years ago and since then he's very lonely. He has a child who has moved to the city from long time and he does not care about him, has not visited him for a long time and I do not think he will visit him again soon. The old man haggle with his son at the time he decided to move to the city, he did not want to let him go knowing that it would be hard for him to deal with agriculture and animals alone. The old man has forgiven him for a long time and is still waiting on his doorstep for his son to return home.




The old man told me that most of his life was a happy man and he always knew how to enjoy the simple things. He told me that he did not regret that he having lived all his life in the village because he learned to enjoy every moment of his life and that all his memories are there on those streets. With tears in his eyes he told me to always appreciate the moments I live with my family, because nothing is more important than spending unforgettable moments with those you love,just as he spent his whole life with his beloved wife.

When I left this old man's house I saw joy in his eyes, the joy of talking to someone,the joy of sharing memories but also the most important, joy to live.

On my way to my cousin's house, I took some pictures that I think express the beauty of a village.

These haystack straw look absolutely awesome in this scenery.



And this picture of the horse that is eating quietly on top of the hill is exactly what I think you would like to see at the end of this post.(joke)


Original content! Photos taken with Canon EOS 60d.
Thank you for visiting my blog,Gabriel!

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