Little Monsters - Part VIII: Giant Japanese Hornet!

This is a legitimate monster and actually poses a danger to human beings. Killing about 30-40 people in Japan per year source. However, that figure also includes deaths from other bees and wasps.

It is a subspecies of the largest hornet in the world: The Giant Asian Hornet. Vespa Mandarina Japonica grows to nearly the same size 45mm+ for it's body length and about 60mm for its wings!

Here is one that I heard first; they have a distictively low droning sound, then spotted it on the tree above me. It appeared to be checking the leaves for caterpillars or other insects to mash up and take back to the hive.

Same picture as the first I've used for the thumbnail, showing greater context.
They always look that angry, it's just how they are.

Later on the same day I spotted another wasp also searching for food:

Since I don't own a fancy space/bee suit I was disinclined to get any closer! A 50mm wasp as thick as your finger is a very intimidating creature.

Here is a video from National Geographic, with somewhat overly dramatisized voice over. They DO have fancy spacebee suits! Wonderful footage, I highly recommend it! Video

Stats and facts were also sourced from the wikipedia entry on Asian Giant Hornet.

I hope you're enjoying the series as much as I am writing it!

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Little Monsters - Part I: Wolf Spiders
Little Monsters - Part II: Golden Orb Weaver
Little Monsters - Part III: Lynx Spiders!
Little Monsters - Part IV: Decorator Orb Weaver
Little Monsters - Part V: Black Back Paper Wasp
Little Monsters - Part VI: Dragonfly
Little Monsters - Part VII: Indian Fritallary

I maintain and reserve copyright on all of my photos.

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