myday #47 - The Osprey Has Landed!

Hello Steemit Followers!

I got there before the sun had risen. The morning was cold, still and dark. I had left my home in a zombie state when the alarm had sounded. Preparation was the key. Driving five hours to catch a glimpse of a bird was my hope.

I knew where the nest was and I had envisioned an image of the Osprey silhouetted against the saturated light. My enthusiasm grew as the miles to my destination became shorter. By now a dim light was beginning to glow in the distance. I had to get there.

My car chugged through the low cloud on the road as the heater blew relief to my thawing hands. Looking out constantly at the coast I could make out the familiar trees I had seen so often. I was close.

Pulling up, my car came to a stand still. The interior light flickered as it illuminated my camera bag, highlighting the necessities of the shoot. My trusty digital SLR, telephoto lens and monopod became an extension of my arm as the door closed behind me.

Rushing to the location I sat down on the freezing sand and became motionless. The steam from my mouth the only possible giveaway. The hunter was now becoming the hunted.

I prefocused on the nest and zoomed in to where I thought the wingspan would end. The shutter speed was turned to 1/2000 of a second to ensure motion would be captured as sharp as possible. I matched my shutter speed with the appropriate aperture and I waited.

By now the sun was tickling the horizon with an ever-warming glow. This was the perfect window of opportunity that was to extend to a mere fifteen minutes, no more, no less. After that the golden light was going to be lost in the intensity of the day.

The wait wasn't long before I spotted what I was after. My heart began to race. Could this be the moment?

Was this really happening?

My eyes didn't deceive me. For a few seconds later the Osprey decided to land. Talons stretched out as an outburst of wings pumped precisely to slow the bird down. The action was breathtaking.


Canon EOS 1D MK III at 443mm - 1/2000 - f8 - ISO 400

My timing couldn't have been more perfect. I had captured what I was after and I couldn't be more happy with the result. Nature put on a show and I felt lucky to have witnessed it.

Are you a photographer or a traveller like me?
Use #myday to share your posts and let's see where this goes!


I'm Leigh, from Sydney Australia and through @steemit I'm seeing what its like to explore @myday. Not in any particular order, or particular time frame but just parts of @myday through my eyes and sometimes the cameras lens.

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