The Chinese Elements – Big whales wedding / 中国元素 – 土豪的婚礼

Today I want to introduce elements of Chinese, Chinese Big whales wedding, After will introduce ordinary people wedding, If you fall in love with a Chinese girl, According to Chinese tradition, the bride to marry,You need to spend a lot of money,Maybe @dan has the money,Money can not buy love,Bought feelings will not long time,Chinese traditional wedding and the United States are very different, Most Chinese people are wedding in the hotel, rather than the church

今天我要介绍的中国元素,中国土豪的婚礼, 以后会介绍普通人的婚礼, 如果你爱上一个中国女孩,按照中国传统,迎娶新娘,你需要花费很多钱,我估计就算是以@dan现在的财力,这些有钱的土豪女也不一定爱上你, 钱是买不来中国女孩的爱情,买来的也不长久, 和美国有很大的不同,大部分中国人都是在酒店举行婚礼,而不是教堂

Images from the web / 图像来自网络

Let's enjoy the Chinese Big whales wedding. / 我们来欣赏下中国土豪的婚礼.
8.88 million yuan, RMB 102 kilograms weight, about $1.3 million dollar / 888万元,重102公斤的人民币

Gold Jewelry / 黄金首饰
Wedding day, bridal wear,Big whales Wife,very heavy / 结婚当天,这得好几十斤重吧, 戴的越多证明男人实力

All-luxury car more than Deepak street to see, you can also in China, a lot of people very rich
清一色的豪车不止是迪派街头能见到, 在中国你也可以,许多人非常富有

But above wedding is not my favorite style

My favorite Chinese wedding Chinese movie star Huang Xiaoming and angelababy,They can represent wedding Chinese elements,Romantic Chinese Wedding
我最喜欢的中式婚礼黄帮主和angelababy算一个,可以代表中国元素的婚礼. 唯美的中国式婚礼

Saw these reminded me toad wants to eat,My wedding / 看完上面让我想到癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉

Fortunately, There is also a beautiful swan / 我的婚礼

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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