Home Alone - A short story of photoshoot with Ola - Portrait Competition


There is time, when you sit at home got no plans for rest of the day and just feel creative. What I did? I rang my friend who is also professional model and you decide to do spontaneous photoshoot. No pre plan, just desire to take a few good snaps. I've rang my friend Ola :

- Hi Ola, how are you do you want to come to mine so we can take some shoot

  • Yes, sure - I can be in an hour - she said
    - Deal, just bring bag of your clothes and we will create something

Next hour or so Ola came to my house and we start shooting, we went through her clothes choose some outfit and we started to shoot. There is always no pressure when you shoot with your friend, and there is more pleasure when your friend is model. It's extremely easy to work around pose, mood. But apart it's just great fun. For me it's like for other guys to go for a pint on random day for a pint to local pub.

As the place where I used to live had great vibe and cool deco I've used all areas to make it work and look good. First 3 images is just a bedroom, however with right lighting, you can do magic. I've used some lighting - mainly beauty dish and blue bare light for a side light. We wanted full photoshoot to look sexy, however at the same time classy and not to cheesy. In fact I hate cheesy pictures, tacky art and music.




Next, we went to living room. I love the simple wall paper and general artistic mood of the room. For this images I've used softbox and to add some mood I've used bedroom light in first image, I've kept sofas in the way as it add some lines to the composition. I've asked Ola to get that disconnected mood for this photo, so she delivered it perfectly. I love my 35mm 1.4 lens so I'm using it as much as I can and I suggest everyone to try it too.



As a final shoot we went on the roof just to take that final junky shot. Ola just put anything, the roof is wet anyway, let's make it with no pressure. Just give me that crackhead vibe on it. As always not a problem.


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