Monday Food Photography Challenge : Flower Market Food 花市小吃

The is an entry of the Monday food photography challenge. I missed the last macro photography last week ... instead of drawing a CNY celebrating illustration xP The theme is Chinese Flower Market's food. I went to the closest flower market to my home, i.e. Kwun Tong Flower Market. A small one but still interesting and fun. And~ here the foods :)

Link: @juliank/happymondaysteemitshareyourfoodandanimalphotography-20180219000000246


Octopus and mutton skewer 章魚和羊肉串

The young chef 烤肉小哥

Squid skewer 章魚燒

The counter selling different food, long queue... 檔口長這樣,長龍等好久...

Start eating! 我開動了!

Sugar-coated Haws 冰糖葫蘆

Different kind of snacks, made from sugar, nuts, cereals etc. 各種口味的乾貨小吃

Lastly, some flower market views.


Orchid 蘭花

Solanum mammosum (in Chinese its name means "five generations in a family, i.e. long life and having a big family. 五代同堂

Shops are selling toys, decoration things, snacks etc. Balloon is also a popular product in flower market. 大多數都是在賣玩具、過年裝飾和小吃等等。還有汽球,於我來說是謎之熱門貨品之一。

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