Try it out : Nik Collection PS濾鏡外掛試用

Few days ago, @catwomanteresa introduced a Photoshop filter plugin. A convenience plugin with a lot of filters options. I can play it a whole day, no doubt.


Makeup for my photos #3 幫我的相片美容 #3 by Catwomanteresa

First Try: Pick the first filter "Black Gold" in the "Recipe" (lazy mode I think), let see what will happen.

選取Recipe 中的"Black Gold" 濾鏡,先看看它反應如何。Recipe 應該就是終極懶人mode 吧?

Not bad! The upper image is original one. Though it is recipe mode, almost every thing is prepared, you can sill have adjustment like "film" (which affects the color tone), brightness and contrast, border, etc... Just one click I got a sepia like vintage effect.

不錯看!可以跟上面的原圖對比著調。雖然是懶人食譜,但也保留了一些口味調節的寬容度。好像可以選不同菲林,現實中不同菲林也有不同色溫等的效果。也有常用到的Brightness and contrast,還有邊框之類的。這一點就把圖變成有點退色復古風,好COOL!

Keep rolling the recipe. Stop at the Super Cross Pop filter, also a vintage but wild one, some 70's feeling and also make me think of a tattoo on a sailor. Then, I keep exploring the right bar, here is the record of adjustment.

之後看到Super Cross Pop 濾鏡,不知為何想到七十年代美國水手紋身,有點復古風但比較狂野一點。右邊的表單還有很多東西可以選,我只稍稍調了一下,做個記錄。

Second try: A photo took from IKEA. This time try a warm filter.


I choose Purple Film. This time I tried a bit more custom adjustments. Only the films option can make me crazy.

這次選了Purple Film 濾鏡,還想再試自行調整功能。不過單單菲林的選項都夠我玩上一天了。

I also tried to save my own recipe. But one thing I was frustrated is that after I click OK and apply the filter to image, I got a new layer of the image with the filter. However, when I try to go back and continue the adjustment, I failed. It doesn't like the adjustment layer in Photoshop or Aftereffect that I can go back and change parameters. (Or I didn't find it out?) But with the amazing preset filter, this is only a little problem :D

我也試存檔一個個人菜譜。不過後來有一個問題是,當我按了OK,輸出圖片時,我只得到一張加了濾鏡的相片圖層。它不像Photoshop 或者Aftereffect 的Adjustment layer 那樣讓我可以隨時回去調較效果。(還是我沒把它找到出來@@?)不過它的濾鏡款色這麼多,又有各種微調功能,已經真心不錯:D

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