This is my entry for the Happy Tuesday Landscape Photography. It is the Mt. Horai near Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture. The hiking course is easy but to me, very hard. I seldom climbing and this was a early Spring in Japan still very cold. Much colder then in Hong Kong. The highest mountain I climbed (1173m) ^^; The view from peak is marvelous. The total land area of Hong Kong is 1106.42 km²; the area of Lake Biwa is 670.4 km², almost half of the land of Hong Kong.
這是參加星期二地貌挑戰的作品。地點是由滋賀蓬莱山遠望枇杷湖。登山路線屬於容易的,但對我這個不爬山的人來說,已夠讓我邊爬邊嚷要叫直升機。1173m米是我個人新高^^; 而初春的日本對我來說還是太冷。山頂景色美不勝收。湖的面積有670.4 km²,而我所住的香港陸地面積是1106.42 km²,可這只是個湖,出外遊旅常刷新個人距離感。
Camera : Canon EOS M
Software : Photoshop