Mobile Views 02

Hello everyone,

This is MOBILE VIEWS issue No 02.

The photos are still from that ancient Tonnara in Sicilia - Vendicari - and taken October 2016.
With the following collages you can see how patterns emerge and reflect the subjective views of the photographer. So there is never objective photography - what you see is what you are. Ones view defines ones identity. How to look at the world is highly individual. The choice you make looking at something and at the same time not at something else which also ist there makes the difference and tells about the viewer the most. So outside world and inside world are mirrored. I invite you to share my views. Enjoy if you like it.

These last two shots are made with a quite cheap optic fisheye. It shows the same portal - only from 180 degree different viewpoint.

This one is called:


The next one is called


This collage is called:


The next collage is near the place I live - Münster/Germany. There was a very nice morning scene with the special light of October, foggy atmosphere penetrated by rays of warm sunlight. The collage is called:

morning gold

All collages are made with a very nice tool - called: Layout (from Instagram).

Next time I will show how you can make wonderful


like the following one:

Collages live from matching similarities or patterns. When looking at several images of seemingly very different objects one automatically recognizes the repetitive theme and suddenly you have expressed something abstract which is somehow hovering above the reality. Patterns are like music. You cannot touch them. They are somehow spiritual.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column