Study Design with Nicole #12 : How to create your watermark or PNG【 跟妮可讀設計 #12:如何製作屬於你的水印 /PNG】

Hello Steemit friends ❤️,

Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today! 🌞
Today I will share a easy way for you to create your name or own watermarks on steemit or your photos.
I believes all of you can do it! It is the simplest tutorial ever.

今天會向大家介紹如何在照片上加Steemit 用戶名字或水印。


What is watermark? 什麼是水印?

When it is on paper: Watermark is a faint design made in some paper during manufacture that is visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker.

When it is on digital: Watermark is a logo or signature that placed on the picture or photos to identifies the file's copyright information. You will need a png image to placed it above your photos. ( A watermark logo is placed on the left-top corner of my cover image above.)

當它在數碼上:水印是放置在圖片或照片上的標誌或簽名,用於標識文件的版權信息。 您將需要一個png圖像將其放在照片上。(我上面封面圖片的左上角放了水印標誌)

Here we come 2 simple methods to create your watermark on Steemit's photos:


  1. Text-watermark 文字水印
  2. Logo-watermark 標誌水印

Method 1) Create your text-watermark


Step 1: Open below link and start creating the PNG-text.

Free Online PNG text Creator


Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 3.46.48 PM.png

Step 2 : Scroll down the page and enter the information according to your favours.

Enter the text, color, fonts.

步驟2:向下滾動頁面,並根據您的喜好輸入信息。輸入您想 顯示的水印名字,字形,顏色。

Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 3.49.45 PM.png

Step 3 : Check your text is correct, if not go back and adjust it. Download and save. DONE!

步驟3:檢查您的文字是否正確,否則回去調整。 下載並保存。完成!

Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 3.49.59 PM.png

2) Create your own logo to watermark


Step 1: This is a tutorial for beginners or non-designers. Designer please close the tab right now! :P

步驟1:這是初學者或非設計師的教程。 設計師請立即關閉這帖子!:P

Step 2: Draw your own logo and take the picture clearly.步驟2:繪製自己的標誌,並清晰地拍照。



Step 3: Open below link and start creating the PNG-logo.

Free Online PNG image Creator


Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 5.50.17 PM.png

Step 4: Remove the background by clicking the color. Tips: If you need a white logo, draw it on black paper.

步驟4:點擊顏色刪除背景。 提示:如果您需要一個白色標誌,請將其畫在黑色紙上。

Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 4.50.40 PM.png

Step 5: Adjust the transparency threshold. Save it. DONE!


Screen Shot 2017-10-13 at 4.51.59 PM.png

If you have any questions about creating PNG or watermark, please feel free to ask me ❤️
Please tell us if there is any easier way you think it is good, don't hesitate to share in the comments box below!
如果您對創建PNG或水印有任何疑問,都可以留言問我呀 ❤️
你亦可以推介你認為好用的方式給大家~ 請你把好東西分享到下面的留言區~


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