The Galactic Empire Gazette Presents, A Day In The Life Of Darth Vader

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....The empire hired me to take some photos of Darth Vader . You know to show his human side to all the troops.

The Galactic Empire Gazette Presents A Day In The Life Of Darth

Lord Vader is our mighty General, he defines the Galactic Empire from its roots to its sprawling tips.
But Lord Vader is more then the image of the Empire, he has a life outside of its majestic shadow.
Darth wants to share a small part of his personal life.

What I'm going to present next are truly special moments. You will be touched to see kindness, you mind will be blown by misuse of alcohol and he shows you how to chill Vader styley.

Snack time

It's Saturday morning and Vader Jnr has football practice daddy Lord Vader brought some healthy snacks, I hear him breathe heavily
"Son csssshhhhh an apple a day csssshhhhh keeps the Jedi away
Such words of wisdom!

Lord Vader Was Totally Lit
To keep Vader's deep, husky tone in tact there are important preparations that need to be done, so Lord Vader lights one up while listening to the Red Hot Sith Peppers, on his darkpod.

Darth Smokey
Here you can even see his mood lifted, in fact we became good buddies that evening.

We ended the night drinking way too much, even my best buddy Vader couldn't stand up by the end, check him out cuddling his beer, so cute.
Vader's a funny guy, not many people know that ...but his jokes about building a giant ball of death and destroying Alderaan... Had me in stitches :-D especially when he says "Kaboooooom" then sniggers behind his mask.

Lord Vader is just such a great guy, if you ever get to meet him ask him for a high five!

Catch you on the Alderaan side.

I hope you enjoyed this fun photo series :)

Check out some of my latest work on my blog including my last painting of my Weirdo, creepy, mutant, mousey upside down chin thing. Art breakdown

Lets talk tiny worlds and macro photography from a practical-perspective part 1

Made by - @niko3d


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