Your inner voice - My inspirational writing and photos for the midweek

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Always listen to your inner voice. It knows everything, and always tells the truth, even if it isn't the truth you want to hear, or are prepared to listen. When you don’t listen to your inner voice you seldom do the right things, or you don’t do anything at all, which is pretty much the same thing.

You even risk yourself to miss the most important things in life. Like following your ambition, your dream. Even if the so called society doesn’t accept it, even it’s not recognized. Even if others say is better otherwise. Always follow your inner voice, in small or big things, from thinking something is not correct, or is – despite the advice you get to follow a certain path – to make the big decisions in life.

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Your inner voice, your intuition, knows better. It always knows better, don’t ever doubt it. I believe that, if we don’t listen and follow our inner voice, we fatally will regret it later, and that, my friends, will not make us any happy. It will cause us more harm than good.

Follow your inner voice, listen to it. In the end, it will be the way for doing things right. In the end, your inner voice will lead you to be yourself.

Photos: Girls from East Timor.

Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Shutter speed 1/30 sec, at f/9.0, focal length 70mm, ISO 200
Shutter speed 1/30 sec, at f/3.2, focal length 70mm, ISO 200

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